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Five Easy Tricks to Avoid Blackheads

Minggu, 16 Mei 2021 - 06:03
Five Easy Tricks to Avoid Blackheads Blackheads are one of the most common facial skin problems. (PHOTO:

TIMES JEMBER, JAKARTABlackheads are small lumps of fat that appear on skin pores and will turn into acnes. Blackheads are most commonly found on facial skin, although they may also appear on other areas, such as shoulders, chest, back, and arms.

In many cases, blackheads on your face might feel uncomfortable. Blackheads do not hurt, unless if it is infected. This infection might appear as redness on your skin, swollen, and turns into acne (breakout).

Different from enclosed white acne, blackheads are exposed outside of your skin and turns brownish or black, thus it’s called blackheads.

Blackheads symptoms

Black papules (blackheads) or white papules (whiteheads) are easily spotted in your forehead, chin, and nose area. These papules will not cause any pain unless inflammation occurs, which will turn them into acnes. Acnes appear when bacteria invade these papules.

Cause of blackheads

Blackheads are formed when dead skin cells and skin oil clog skin pores. Skin oil is produced by oil glands (sebum) inside of skin pores. These clogs turn black when exposed to pollution. These are five easy tricks to avoid blackheads on your face.

  1. Wash your face regularly in the morning and right before going to bed. Keeping your face clean regularly can avoid dead skin cells from piling up, thus keeping your face moist and clean.
  2. Keep your hands and nails hygienic to avoid dirt from moving to your face from your hands.
  3. Avoid foods with a lot of sugar and fat. Excessive fat will lead to excessive facial skin oil production that potentially causes blackheads.
  4. Pick the best skincare products of your choice. Using these products can also help reduce facial oil.
  5. Use products to get rid of dead skin cells. These products can clean your face optimally by removing dead skin cells and prevent them from clogging your skin pores.

with all these steps followed and done regularly, you will be drawn away from getting blackheads on your body. (*)

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Editor : Evan Julianto

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